Monday, January 12, 2009

Let's suspend morality.

Just for a moment. Here's my maiden delve into current events. (I'm sure all three of you are absolutely titillating!)

Regardless of the moral questions concerning the conflict in Gaza, let's agree on these pretty standard facts:
-Israel has an infinitely more effective fighting force than that of the Palestinians.
-Israel has both the capability and probably the political wherewithal (were they cavalier enough to use it) to obliterate the Gaza strip, and I mean every living soul it contains. It would resultantly become a pariah state and probably have a pretty high level of attrition in the ensuing Arab/Persian-Israeli war, but it's common knowledge that the formal militaries of the non-Israeli Mideast are complete clowns and would be rendered ineffective within months. Israel would draw severe censure from the US, but not a complete withdrawal of support (what with the State Department now able to gleefully watch as Israel does what was probably more geopolitically urgent than the Iraq invasion, ie, the forceful neutralization of Iran). And Western Europe? Toothless, per usual; but probably more critical than they were of the last few genocides committed by the Arab world (Kurdistan, Darfur anyone?). But- and I diverge from the objective theme- this is all moot, as Israel is a representative democracy with a sizeable domestic minority critical of IDF's pugilism and would never even consider the 'ultimate solution,' though its converse is in the mandate of their current Gazan adversary. Here's a fun one: try to name a modern war fought between two true democracies and then mull on the ramifications of your list.
-Hamas is no match for the IDF, whether IDF is justified in its actions or not (see above).

With Israel pretty much untouchable by its critics, who's doing a greater disservice to the Palestinians: the Israeli hawks who kill a thousand or so Palestinians every six years and will do so ad infinitum if the current climate is maintained, or the Euro-lefty-slobs who perpetuate the climate by inuring the Palestinians to reality with their toothless indignation? And here's the reality: the maintenance of a 100:1 kill ratio in the Jews' favor, white phosphorus, and slum conditions for the Palestinians, combatants (sic) and civilians alike. It's irrelevant to discuss whether it's right or wrong, because it is what it is and will continue to be, mass street protests in Oslo or not.

It's always very sad when each successive generation of kids learn the world as it is versus the world as they want it to be/what's "fair". I know the thought of the noble terrorist throwing rocks at a tank is so romantic for some, but that doesn't change the reality, which is getting shot by depleted uranium bullets.

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