Saturday, February 14, 2009


Sometime soon, I need to:

-Get my motorcycle license.
-Stop wearing skinny jeans.
-Develop my taste in jazz.
-Stop hunching my shoulders forward.
-Grow more chest hair.
-Actually understand the mechanism linking open market operations and interest rates.
-Do twenty pull-ups (hello perfect PFT).
-Stop wearing stripes.
-Get a tan that isn't only on my forearms.
-Start flossing more.
-Actually learn meter.
-Finish In Search of Lost Time (only five books to go).
-Get my hunting license.
-Get used to wearing hats, so I can hide my penis-head haircut next fall.
-Retire my black minstrel impression.

That's all I can think of. If you see any glaring deficiencies in character, be sure to let me know.

1 comment:

  1. "Stop hunching my shoulders forward."
    You should definitely do this.

    "Stop wearing stripes."
    There is nothing wrong with wearing stripes.
